Kupkakes & More
KUPKAKES & MORE BY KRISTIE - www.kustomkupkakesandmore.com, 315.506.8311 All fresh made to order home baked goods for friends, family, office meetings and more.
KUPKAKES & MORE BY KRISTIE - www.kustomkupkakesandmore.com, 315.506.8311 All fresh made to order home baked goods for friends, family, office meetings and more.
ADVANCE YOURSELF IN LIFE - Improve your communication & leadership skills with Liverpool Linguists, a Toastmasters International Club. 315-884-2668 or visit our website: liverpool.toastmastersclubs.org
Nicole Lightenfield, Independent Beauty Consultant 201 Blackberry Road Liverpool, NY 13090 315-863-6580 nlightenfield@gmail.com nlightenfield@marykay.com http://www.marykay.com/nlightenfield CALL NICOLE FOR A FREE FACIAL!
MINI DUMP IT — $89 Special - 10 yard dumpster Resid/Const/Clean-outs — check out our rates. Bill 413-8677 minidumpit.com
NERIUM INTERNATIONAL — The newest scientific discovery that reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration and more. 30 day money back guarantee. Christina, brand partner 622-8402 text or call
BRAND PARTNER NERIUM INTERNATIONAL SOON TO BE NEORA — Nerium is an amazing Holistic Skincare and Wellness Company that is truly making a difference for the people who use the products. Nerium has transformed the anti-aging industry with our streamlined product offering, clinically tested to deliver proven results. We focus on cutting through the clutter [...]
PAMPERED CHEF — Elizabeth Scott, Independent Consultant, Riverglen Rd. pamperedchef.biz/scottbeth call/text me at 373-3833
PHOTOGRAPHY — Cylinda B Photography, wedding & family photographer. 935-3663 CylindaBPhotography@gmail.com, CylindaBPhotography.com
D&D EXPERT REPAIR AND REMODELING — No job too big or small. Free estimates/fully insured. Dan Dombroski 440-1211
SUPERIOR ASSURANCE SERVICES OF SYRACUSE INC. - HELPING YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR RIGHTS & OPTIONS. Sr. Benefits-Advocacy-Billing issues 305 Vine St. Liverpool . Open enrollment thru 12/7/11. Call for appt. 657-2242.