
13 06, 2018

Finger Lakes Wine Festival Special Discount to Bayberry Residents!

By |2018-06-13T13:09:22-04:00June 13th, 2018|Events|Comments Off on Finger Lakes Wine Festival Special Discount to Bayberry Residents!

Finger Lakes Wine Festival Tour on Saturday, July 14th with J and J Tours (Bayberry Plaza)! THERE IS A SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR BAYBERRY RESIDENTS! See the attached flyer for details.

5 06, 2018

School Affairs – June

By |2018-06-05T09:40:52-04:00June 5th, 2018|News|Comments Off on School Affairs – June

The Summer Art and Music Camp will be held July 9 through August 10. Registration is due June 15. For more information and to download the brochure, visit the district website. There will be a Fall Sports Meeting, for parents and athletes interesting in playing fall sports. The meeting is June 12 at 6 PM, [...]

30 05, 2018

BCA Meeting on June 3

By |2018-05-30T11:16:21-04:00May 30th, 2018|Events|Comments Off on BCA Meeting on June 3

You are invited to join us for our monthly BCA Board Meeting this coming Sunday, June 3 at 7pm at United Church of Christ (215 Blackberry Road). In addition to regular business, the BCA and Edge FCU will be announcing this year's scholarship winners and presenting them with their checks. We will also discuss upcoming events, such [...]

30 05, 2018

BCA Membership Dues and What They Pay For

By |2024-07-21T20:52:26-04:00May 30th, 2018|News|Comments Off on BCA Membership Dues and What They Pay For

At the April 7, 2019 BCA Meeting, the Executive Board voted to change our yearly dues to $10.00. Raising the yearly dues will allow us to continue covering the increasing rates of our insurance and operating expenses, but more importantly, it helps us provide more activities to YOU...our neighbors. Below is an outline of the [...]

30 05, 2018

Town Affairs – May

By |2018-05-30T10:45:43-04:00May 30th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Town Affairs – May

Yard Waste Recycling Center: The Town of Clay now provides a Yard Waste Recycling Center located on Oak Orchard Road, one mile east of the intersection of Henry Clay Boulevard. The Oak Orchard Road Yard Waste Center will be open from 8 a.m. to noon on the second Saturday of each month from April—November. Town [...]

30 05, 2018

Area Reps and General Volunteers Needed

By |2018-05-30T10:42:36-04:00May 30th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Area Reps and General Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed as BCA area representatives. In this role, the rep delivers BCA newsletters to all residences in an assigned area nine times a year and assists with the collection of BCA membership dues annually. Openings for the following areas are available: Area L (41 Homes) on Meadow River Drive & River Park Drive, [...]

30 05, 2018

BCA In Search Of Volunteer Secretary

By |2018-05-30T10:40:12-04:00May 30th, 2018|News|Comments Off on BCA In Search Of Volunteer Secretary

Looking for a way to engage with your community? The BCA is in need of a secretary to carry out the following responsibilities: attend and assist with BCA meetings; record and distribute minutes, set out meeting attendance sign-in sheets at association meetings; and assist with correspondence such as sending out an occasional get well or [...]

21 05, 2018

Event: Child Car Seat Safety Inspection

By |2018-05-21T10:54:33-04:00May 21st, 2018|Events|Comments Off on Event: Child Car Seat Safety Inspection

The annual Child Car Seat Safety Inspection will be held on Saturday, June 30 in the Bayberry Plaza Parking Lot from 10am to 1pm. The last car to go through the inspection will be at 12:30pm that day, so arrive early. The Sheriff’s Office will check car seats to make sure they are properly installed.

21 05, 2018

Event: Spring Entrance Planting

By |2018-05-21T10:45:33-04:00May 21st, 2018|Events|Comments Off on Event: Spring Entrance Planting

On Sunday, June 3, Bayberry resident volunteers are invited to assist with our Annual Spring Entrance Flower Planting event (rain or shine). We will be planting, mulching and watering the Blackberry Road/Route 57 and John Glenn/Blueberry Road entrance planting beds and clean, prune and mulch the beds located at the ends of the Route 57 [...]

12 05, 2018

Bayberry Garage Sale Participants – May 19, 2018

By |2018-05-18T10:54:43-04:00May 12th, 2018|Events|Comments Off on Bayberry Garage Sale Participants – May 19, 2018

The Bayberry community-wide Spring Garage Sale will be on Saturday, May 19, 2018 from 9am – 5pm. Rain or Shine! Here is a list of participating homes: 7 ALDER LANE – Furniture, crib, many household items. 18 APPLE TREE LANE – Books, DVDs, comics and collectibles, other small items. 10 APRICOT LANE – Household items, [...]

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