Membership Information
Our membership is growing!
With your yearly dues, we provide the activities and events for all members of the BCA. We represent the community at the Town Meetings and the LCSD. Our goal is to encourage a higher regard for the Bayberry Community, promote causes and actions that will contribute to the welfare of the Bayberry Community, keep the members informed of activities or legislation affecting them, and advocate the maintaining of a favorable residential atmosphere.
Yearly Dues = $10.00
You can now pay your yearly dues online via PayPal. Visit our home page, look for the “Pay Now” button on the side and follow the instructions. Be sure to include your name and address! You can also help the BCA at any time by selecting the “Donate” button and contributing to our scholarship fund or other event/activity.
If you prefer to pay by check, please send your $10.00 payment, plus any donations, to:
Bayberry Community Association
P.O. Box 2184
Liverpool, NY 13089
Please make checks payable to: BCA
For more information on what your dues pay for, CLICK HERE.
Officers & Board Members
President: Jordan Curtis (315-395-0852)
1st Vice President: Debbie Countryman (315-652-5309)
2nd Vice President: Mary Eidt (315- 652-8610)
Secretary: OPEN
Treasurer: Kyle Adams (315-807-8160)
Historian: June Baycura
Infrastructure Coordinator: Gail Clarke
School Affairs: Mary Eidt
Town Affairs: Jordan Curtis
Media/Communications Coordinator: Kristine Davoli (
Newsletter Editor: Jordan Curtis
Events/Activities Coordinator: Debbie Countryman
Welcome Chair: Kristine Davoli
Only Board Members have voting privileges. If you would like to volunteer for one of our open positions, please join us for one of our monthly meetings or email
For information on Officer Duties and to review our Bylaws, click the link below: