The Bayberry Community Association will hold its June meeting this Sunday! Our last meeting before our summer break!
We encourage all members of our community to join us on Sunday, June 2 at 7:00pm at United Church of Christ (215 Blackberry Road).
At our June meeting, we will be discussing upcoming events, including:
- Spring Planting
- Car Seat Safety Check
- Summer Ice Cream Social
In addition, we will be discussing concerns dues collection, officer/board member roles, and open positions.
Please note that we are looking for volunteers for 2nd Vice President and Secretary, as well as, Welcome Committee Chair and dues collectors. If you are interested or would like more information, please join us for the meeting or email us at
Our 2019-2020 fiscal year in beginning soon which means it is time to pay dues! For information on what your dues pay for and instructions on how to pay, please CLICK HERE.
We look forward to seeing you Sunday evening!