To our Bayberry Residents,
The Bayberry Community Association will be holding the first monthly board meeting of our 2018/2019 calendar year on September 9th. During the summer we have been conducting our annual Membership Dues collection and to date, just 700 of our 1521 resident homes have paid. Last years total paid was 940.
The Area Representative for your neighborhood may not have had an opportunity to visit your home to collect or may have, but found you not at home. Your membership contribution is important to us. If you have not paid yet, you may mail your $5.00 dues payment to:
Bayberry Community Association
PO Box 2184
Liverpool, NY 13089
(Make checks payable to: BCA)
Or you may pay online by visiting our website at and look for the “Pay Now” button.
For more information on what your yearly dues pay for, please CLICK HERE.
Thank you in advance for your contribution!