
27 07, 2017

Have A Special Interest You Would Like To Know More About? Maybe The BCA Can Help!

By |2017-07-27T14:24:03-04:00July 27th, 2017|News|Comments Off on Have A Special Interest You Would Like To Know More About? Maybe The BCA Can Help!

The Bayberry Community Association is in search of ideas for speakers and/or presentations that would benefit our community and residents. We want to know what you as a resident and neighbor would be interested in. In the past, we have had speakers from the Onondaga County Neighborhood Watch, CNY Planning Board, Liverpool Central School District, [...]

27 07, 2017

Do you like working with others? Want to get more involved in your community?

By |2017-07-27T14:19:50-04:00July 27th, 2017|News|Comments Off on Do you like working with others? Want to get more involved in your community?

The BCA is looking for a outgoing, self-starter to serve as Volunteer Coordinator. This individual will recruit residents interested in giving back to their community and match them with the BCA involvement most suited to their talents and interests. Building relationships and networking will be a big part of the job. Use of Google drive [...]

22 06, 2017

Annual BCA Picnic on Saturday, August 5th

By |2017-08-09T10:56:00-04:00June 22nd, 2017|Events, News|Comments Off on Annual BCA Picnic on Saturday, August 5th

Mark your calendar—you are all welcome on Saturday, August 5th to the Annual BCA picnic from 1-5 pm. It will be held at the Green Area near the basketball courts off of Blackberry Road and the Quail Path loop. We will have games, food, music and fun! Bring a chair and watch the young, and [...]

20 06, 2017

Congratulations to our 2017 Scholarship Winners!

By |2017-06-20T09:23:55-04:00June 20th, 2017|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to our 2017 Scholarship Winners!

The scholarship winners for 2017 are both kind and humble young ladies. They both wrote great essays showing they understand how important volunteering is to enrich our community. Abigail Anderson is a member of the Varsity Volleyball team, Honor Society, Student Council, French Club and is a Varsity Club officer. She has volunteered at the [...]

20 06, 2017

President’s Corner: Thank You; Looking Toward the Future

By |2017-06-20T09:17:58-04:00June 20th, 2017|News|Comments Off on President’s Corner: Thank You; Looking Toward the Future

For nearly three and a half decades, I have enjoyed residing in Bayberry, and for the last 12 years, I’ve been actively involved with the BCA—the last four-plus years as president. There are very few homeowners associations active in this area and certainly none have the longevity of Bayberry’s. Nor can they compare to what [...]

6 06, 2017

2018 Brush Removal

By |2018-03-27T12:04:03-04:00June 6th, 2017|News|Comments Off on 2018 Brush Removal

For the calendar year 2018, your brush will be picked up by Superior Waste Removal under contract with the Town of Clay. The fee for these services will be part of your taxes. You are in Clay Brush District No. 3. Brush will be collected every other Thursday between 6:00am and 6:00pm as follows: March [...]

6 06, 2017

2017 Bayberry Entrance Planting

By |2017-06-06T08:43:02-04:00June 6th, 2017|Events, News|Comments Off on 2017 Bayberry Entrance Planting

On Sunday June 11th, Bayberry resident volunteers are invited to assist with our Annual Spring Entrance Flower Planting event (rain or shine). We will be planting, mulching and watering the Blackberry Road/Route 57 and John Glenn/Blueberry Road entrance planting beds and clean, prune and mulch the beds located at the ends of the Route 57 [...]

30 05, 2017

BCA Residents Meeting on June 4th

By |2017-05-30T09:55:01-04:00May 30th, 2017|Events, News|Comments Off on BCA Residents Meeting on June 4th

The next BCA Meeting will be this Sunday, June 4th at 7pm at the United Church of Christ (215 Blackberry Road). This is our last meeting before the summer! We will be discussing upcoming events including the Annual Family Picnic, Car Seat Safety Check, Dues Collection, and more! We will resume our monthly meetings in [...]

25 05, 2017

President’s Corner: New by-laws, officers voted in; volunteers needed

By |2017-05-25T09:24:51-04:00May 25th, 2017|News|Comments Off on President’s Corner: New by-laws, officers voted in; volunteers needed

A note from Mike Banks, BCA President: The residents of the Bayberry community and members of the association voted and passed the BCA’s by-laws at its May meeting. Through the diligent work and effort by Tim Scott and Bob Stella, the previous by-laws were updated for the ever-changing world we live in and a guideline [...]

13 05, 2017

Bayberry Garage Sale Participants – May 20, 2017

By |2017-05-19T10:03:00-04:00May 13th, 2017|Events, News|Comments Off on Bayberry Garage Sale Participants – May 20, 2017

The Bayberry community-wide Spring Garage Sale will be on Saturday, May 20, 2017 from 9am – 5pm. Rain or Shine! Here is a list of participating homes: 11 ALDER LANE – Lots of clothes and home décor items 5 APRICOT LANE – Toddler items (boy’s clothes, toys, etc.), some gas cans, workout bench 12 APPLE [...]

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