
10 04, 2018

BCA Bylaw changes to be voted on at May Meeting

By |2018-04-10T09:05:58-04:00April 10th, 2018|News|Comments Off on BCA Bylaw changes to be voted on at May Meeting

An update to the BCA Bylaws will be voted on at the May Membership/Board Meeting. The updates are primarily to create "at large" board memberships and to no longer include area reps as part of the board by default.  The idea is to have a well informed, responsive board of residents that have committed to [...]

8 04, 2018

2018 BCA Scholarship Application

By |2018-04-09T13:59:50-04:00April 8th, 2018|News|Comments Off on 2018 BCA Scholarship Application

Each spring, the BCA gives back to the community by awarding a $500 scholarship to a deserving student who currently lives in one of the Association's member communities.  UPDATE: This year will we be awarding two $500 scholarships as well as one awarded by Edge FCU, totaling three scholarships for 2018-19. The application for the [...]

4 04, 2018

BCA Meeting on April 8

By |2018-04-04T11:46:27-04:00April 4th, 2018|Events|Comments Off on BCA Meeting on April 8

Come join us for our monthly BCA Board Meeting this coming Sunday, April 8 at 7pm at United Church of Christ (215 Blackberry Road). In addition to regular business we plan to discuss whether we need to raise the dues for next year, confirm a new treasurer, call for officer candidates for the upcoming election, announce the winners [...]

24 03, 2018

Town Affairs – March

By |2018-03-24T14:14:58-04:00March 24th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Town Affairs – March

Farone & Sons Funeral, Inc. Funeral Home is waiting on a County traffic study to complete its site plan approval. The site is located at 4887 W.Taft Road east pf the Walgreens at Buckley Road. The site is six acres with a 10k square feet facility. Drawings of the proposed building were well received by [...]

24 03, 2018

School Affairs – March

By |2018-03-24T14:12:56-04:00March 24th, 2018|News|Comments Off on School Affairs – March

There are three openings for the Board of Education. Voting for candidates will be in May. Anyone wishing to run for an open seat must file petitions by April 15. The Senior Citizen Formal Dinner Dance will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday, May 5. The cost is $10 per person. Call 315-453-1234 [...]

24 03, 2018

Proposed Changes to BCA Board of Directors

By |2018-03-24T14:08:59-04:00March 24th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Proposed Changes to BCA Board of Directors

At the March Board Meeting changes to the structure of the BCA Board of Directors were approved. These changes will need to be ratified as a change to the BCA bylaws by all BCA members present at the May 6 board meeting. Details and exact wording are still being fine-tuned and will be discussed again [...]

22 03, 2018

Earth Day Litter Clean-up 2018

By |2018-03-22T14:58:22-04:00March 22nd, 2018|Events|Comments Off on Earth Day Litter Clean-up 2018

The Bayberry Community Association in conjunction with OCRRA and Onondaga County will again conduct its annual Bayberry Earth Day Litter Clean-up. Residents, their families, Scout Troops and High School students in need of volunteer hours are welcome to participate. The clean-up includes the Bayberry green areas, front and rear entrance areas and sections of John [...]

22 03, 2018

Call for Candidates!

By |2018-03-22T14:55:28-04:00March 22nd, 2018|News|Comments Off on Call for Candidates!

If you are interested in serving as an officer in the Bayberry Community Association, Inc., or know of someone who may be interested in running for the offices of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary for the term of July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019, please email Mary Eidt at [...]

21 03, 2018

2018 Spring Garage Sale!

By |2018-03-21T12:08:02-04:00March 21st, 2018|Events|Comments Off on 2018 Spring Garage Sale!

Looking to sell your unwanted items? Then start cleaning out your closets and basements because it’s time for another BCA garage sale! Our community-wide Spring Garage Sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 19. We will post a list of participating homes on our website and social media pages the [...]

21 03, 2018

BCA Volunteer and New Resident Social

By |2018-03-21T12:01:22-04:00March 21st, 2018|Events|Comments Off on BCA Volunteer and New Resident Social

Music, food, fun and fellowship! If, in the past 12 months, you have assisted at a BCA event, distributed newsletters, helped out in any other way or if you are new to our neighborhood, we would love to have you join us for our Spring 2018 Social free of cost! The event will be taking [...]

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