Hang on to your BCA News as a reminder for all the exciting events coming up in December…
Sunday Dec 4th at 7pm for our first Holiday Cookie Exchange at United Church of Christ. We are collecting some of the cookies for the Moyers Corner Fire Dept & NOVA Volunteers. Come and enjoy good holiday spirit, music, cider & hot cocoa and plenty of sampling! Plus bring home a dozen cookies in exchange for you and your family. The Volunteer Firefighters and EMT’s have been invited to join in the festivities. Any questions call Susan Williams 409-4488. Hope to see you there!
Friday Dec 9th the Holiday Decorating Contest Judging begins. So Deck the Halls and the outside of your home with your final touches on your Holiday Decorating. Call Stacey Schloop at 715-0007 with any questions .
Saturday Dec 17th our annual Santa Visit. Gift drop off begins at 10 am at the United Church of Christ on 215 Blackberry Rd. Bring a small wrapped gift clearly labeled with your child’s name and address. Please bring your BCA Member card when you register, if your dues (still only $5!) have not been paid you can take care of it that morning and receive your BCA Membership card.
Santa will begin his Early Bayberry Visit at 6 pm that evening. Any questions call Christine Moen 622-4187
Monday and Tuesday Dec 19th & 20th is the deadline for Toys for Tots. Drop off toys to the Liverpool Kiwanis and LHS Key Club for the Marine Corp. They will be distributing toys to over 120 Liverpool Families in need this holiday season. If you would like to donate a new unwrapped toy for this worthy cause and put a smile on a child’s face you can drop them off with Greg Hart, 12 Hummingbird Path or at the Wetzel Road Church of Christ at 4268 Wetzel Road. They are also accepting gently used clean clothes. Any questions call the church at 652-3195.
Christmas Eve Illuminating – Join our holiday tradition with luminary lighting on Christmas Eve and Christmas Night at 6pm. Get your neighbors to join you in lighting up your street. Simply save a plastic gallon jug (water or milk) cut a whole in the upper top side, fill the bottom with sand or kitty litter, insert a candle, light it and place on the edge of your driveway or snow bank. Stand back and see the glow up and down your street.