Lock your doors, secure your windows and know your neighbors. Onondaga County Neighborhood Watch volunteer Russ Mitchell named these and other effective ways to promote safety and prevent crime in Bayberry at the April BCA monthly meeting. To keep safe at home, residents are advised to not only use the locks on all door knobs, but also a dead bolt if you have one. Make sure all windows and doors (including those located on the sides and back of the house, as well as in the garage) are secure. Because sliding glass doors can be easily popped off track, it is recommended to install bolts above the door so it can’t be pushed up and out. It is also recommended to record a male voice on your home answering machine, particularly if you are a woman living alone. Another crime deterrent is to leave a large dog dish outside the door.
Other tips include:
- Know your neighbors. And if you’re planning to be away for any length of time, let a trusted neighbor know.
- House numbers should be clearly visible from the street for emergency vehicles. In the evenings, keep the number well lit by turning on your porch lights.
- Always lock your vehicles.
- Do not allow solicitors inside your home. Remember, solicitors must have a Town of Clay permit to go door-to-door. Don’t be afraid to ask to see it.
- If you feel uneasy about solicitors and/or someone who seems suspicious, call 911 and let them know it’s a non-emergency. The dispatcher will direct your call.
- Keep check on your elderly neighbors, make sure they’re safe and help out if they need you.
Additionally, the Sheriff’s website (sheriff.ongov.net) has a link that shows crime reports, including the type of crime, what area, and what time of day it was committed. You should report even minor incidents because it helps them track activity in our area.
- There have been a lot of phone scams recently. Don’t answer the phone if you don’t recognize the number. Let the call go through to voicemail and if the caller really wants to speak with you, they will leave a message.
- Check your financials often to make sure there are no fraudulent charges.
- We are they eyes and ears of the neighborhood, so if you see something, report it. Call 911 and they will direct you to the non-emergency line.