To: Residents of the Bayberry Community
From: Jordan Curtis, Current Bayberry Community Association (BCA) President
Date: February 6, 2024
Subject: BCA Office elections
Dear Residents,
It has been my pleasure to serve as BCA President for the last two years. I have lived in Bayberry for about seventeen years. In that time, I have gone from randomly showing up at BCA meetings, to volunteering during the BCA Earth Day Cleanup, to assisting with postings about the Town of Clay meetings (e.g., Town Board), to continuing, with the other BCA executive committee members, all the BCA has to offer.
The BCA does many excellent things for our residents and local area. We participate in an Earth Day cleanup, offer some version of a summer picnic/ice cream social, during political campaign seasons, we setup a “Meet the candidates” night, Santa’s ride through the neighborhood, and many more events.
The functions of the BCA would not be possible without volunteer assistance. All of BCA, from the executive committee to those who show up to assist, is run by volunteers. It does not take much time out of a day, a week, or a month to help.
The BCA is entering another cycle of executive committee office elections. This letter serves as my notice for anyone interested in placing their name in contention for a position (President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer, or Secretary). Those elected would serve from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. Please see the BCA website and social media or submit contact information (name, address, phone number and email address), position of interest and a short personal biography by email to or by mailing BCA/ PO Box 2184/ Liverpool, NY 13089. Ballots will be created in April and the final tally will be counted at our May meeting.
Again, to continue, the BCA needs volunteers. We could do even more with more people involved. For those who already participate, thank you for all you have done and continue to do with and for the BCA.
Jordan Curtis