Santa Neighborhood Drive-Through
The BCA ended the calendar year with its holiday events, this year with a Covid twist. The annual Santa home visit was adjusted with Santa driving though the streets of Bayberry on December 20th, with the assistance of the Moyers Corners Fire Department. Special thanks to our Santa’s Helper Joe Cavataio riding the sleigh that day and to our friends at the Moyers Corners Fire Department, their point person Capt. Scott Beverly, and all of his crew. Santa was greeted by many residents and pictures from our neighbors were posted on the BCA’s social media pages. If you have any photos send them along to so we may post them on the BCA website, too! The BCA is hoping to have the Holiday Christmas Tree Lighting in Bayberry Plaza in 2021!
Annual Cookie Drive for Civic Volunteers
During the holiday season the BCA and its residents deliver baked goods to the members of NOVA and Moyers Corners Fire Department. This year many residents answered the call and donated to the “cookie fund” to supplement the BCA’s donation of pre-packaged, store purchased goodies. Thanks to President Michael Becker for coordinating the pickup and delivery of the packages and a very special thanks to residents who donated to the fund as well. Very special thanks to the members of NOVA and MCFD for being there for the residents of Bayberry.
Holiday Home Decorating Contest
This year the residents of Bayberry were given a challenge to “up their game” for the best decorated home as judged by fellow residents. Bayberry was divided into six areas and the McGriff, Kenyon-Haase, Adams, Becker, Graser, Fairbanks, McMullen, Hardy, Banks, Schloop, Stella, Dolan and Howard families were judges for $225 in cash prizes. Thank you so much to Stacey Schloop for again coordinating the contest.
Grand Prize Winner:
15 Nectarine Lane (Conklin family)
Runner’s Up (in no particular order):
1 Lark Path (Spernyak family)
4059 Bay Park Drive (Aitken family)
207 Blackberry Road (Fassinger/Krause family)
3 Blueberry Road (Robinson family)
208 Riverglen Road (Farley family)