The Bayberry Community Association is excited to announce four Halloween contests for 2021!


Halloween Home Decorating Contest

After a tough competition in 2020, this contest returns with an award of $100 to the winner and $25 to the neighbor that nominates them.

Virtual Costume Contest

It was hard for our judges to pick winners last year, but once again we will be awarding $50 in each of the following four categories: Cutest, Funniest, Most Creative, and Scariest.

Virtual Coloring Contest

Entries must be colored by hand (no digital enhancement). $25 will be awarded to the spookiest and most creative entries in the following three categories: Six and Under (Without Help), Seven to Ten (Without Help), and Ten and Under (With Help). See below for the image we have selected for the 2021 Coloring Contest.

Pumpkin Carving Contest

New for this year, we will award $25 to the best carved pumpkin in two categories: Twelve and Under and Over Twelve.


The deadline for these contests is Friday, November 5th. To nominate a household or submit an entry, please email the Bayberry Community Association at and include your address and contact information. For the Costume, Coloring, and Pumpkin Carving Contests, please emailed us a picture of your entry. Please include the age category if applicable.

To be eligible for these contests, the household must be current with their Bayberry Community Association Dues. To easily pay your Annual Dues, please visit

On behalf of the entire Bayberry Community Association, we wish you and yours a wonderful fall season and a safe and happy Halloween!