The date and place have been set for the long awaited return of the BCA picnic! It is being held Friday, July 30th, 5-8 pm at the green area/basketball court near the intersection of Blackberry and Cherry Tree Circle with a walking path from Quail Path. Look for the big tent set up and come out and meet old and new neighbors, as we are now able to meet!

This is a rain or shine event; hot dogs, ice cream and water will be provided for Bayberry residents and family members at no cost, and as supplies last. We ask that you bring a chair and some of your favorite games. Members from Onondaga County and the Town of Clay Boards are expected to attend–its a great way to meet those who represent Bayberry in local government.

We ask that you take a few minutes and stop by one of the tables and pay your yearly dues of only $10 and consider donating to the BCA Scholarship Award fund.Members from Renovation Church will handle the cooking duties, Mike and Sheree Banks will be donating water and we could always use a helping hand, please contact if interested.