There will be a free Family Fun and Fitness night from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 25, for students in grades K-4. The event will be held at the high school and a variety of activities will be offered.
An expanded Pre-K program will begin in January 2018, for 4-year-olds in the Liverpool Central School District. Parents must fill out a notice of interest, found on the district website, to be added to the waiting list as openings in the program become available.
Registration for students entering kindergarten will be held in March. Packets will be mailed to families in February, if the district is aware that a child in the family is eligible. Families that do not receive a packet by Feb. 10 should call the district office.
Special Education Parent Nights will be held on Jan. 30, Jan. 31, Feb. 28 and March 14. The sessions will be held at the district office. The Syracuse University Parent Assistance Center and the Mid-State Special Education Parent Center are partnering with the district to offer these workshops. Registration is required; see the events calendar.