At the March Board Meeting changes to the structure of the BCA Board of Directors were approved. These changes will need to be ratified as a change to the BCA bylaws by all BCA members present at the May 6 board meeting. Details and exact wording are still being fine-tuned and will be discussed again at the April 8 board meeting.
Again, the objective is to have a clear and consistent board of individuals committed to attending most meetings and staying up on BCA matters. We also want to tap into engaged community members whose health or time constraints do not allow them to deliver newsletters or take on an operational role in the Association, to still be able to help with governance. Finally, we need to be able to turn to a well-informed, responsive board for email decisions on time sensitive matters especially winter and summer breaks.
Current area reps would no longer have a vote by default, but are encouraged to represent their constituents concerns at board meetings whenever the need arises. They may also apply to be board members-at-large if they are willing to make meetings regularly and stay engaged and informed.
Proposed BCA Board of Directors Structure -DRAFT
I. Officers – President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Treasurer, Secretary
II. Operating Team – Currently: Media, Newsletter Distribution, Newsletter production, Town Affairs, School Affairs, Welcome, Historian, Events, and Infrastructure.
III. At-Large Board Members (no min. or max. but target of 6)
Rules of Voting
- min. of 7 votes must be cast at a scheduled/announced board meeting or over email with 72 hours to respond.
- decisions will be made by simple majority
- each individual votes once regardless of positions held
Appointment & Dismissal of Non-Officer Board Members
Operating team members may be appointed by the president. Board members-at-large will be confirmed by a vote of the standing board. Board members-at-large may be dismissed by a vote of the standing board if they cease to carry out their duties after dialogue has been attempted.