Dear neighbors,
The Bayberry Community Association consists of almost 40 different “areas” that have their own representative. These area reps, along with the officers and other directors are meant to govern the association. The BCA would be governed by a “senate” of more than 50 people if everyone came to the monthly meetings!
As it is, we have about 15 people attend on average. This group includes a core group of deeply committed individuals who selflessly and generously give of their time and in some cases have done for decades. The problem is that the other half are not able to come every time or are only there about a specific issue that interests them. This is absolutely fine, but because it would be cumbersome and awkward to work out every meeting who is and isn’t supposed to vote, everybody who shows up is a part of decisions made even if it’s their first meeting. In effect, the BCA Board is whoever happens to show up that day! Another problem is that people, like myself, who are louder, have stronger personalities and are more involved in the daily affairs of the BCA end up dominating the conversation, while the wisdom of quieter individuals may not be heard.
I would like to see a small, dedicated and authoritative board of individuals who have committed to making meetings and staying up on BCA matters. This board, once established, could be listed on the website with a profile of each of their backgrounds and contact info so people know who they are and can contact them with concerns.
Board members could be voted on at the annual May membership meeting and feel a real mandate and responsibility to focus the BCA on residents’ top priorities, ensure that it is run effectively, and be a strong group to which officers and committee chairs are accountable. Also, each board member could be the primary point of contact for issues in four or five specific areas. The difference from an “area rep” is that they wouldn’t necessarily live in that area, they won’t deliver newsletters and they are voted on by all BCA residents. Not delivering newsletters would allow seniors who care about their community, but aren’t very mobile to still serve as board members.
Come to February’s meeting where I will be calling for the formation of a committee to study this and make recommendations. We need neighbors, like you, who care about their community to come and help create this group and it’s charges! Of course we would love for you to serve on it as well!
The BCA is the best tool WE have to shape OUR neighborhood I warmly invite you to come take ownership of YOUR community!
Tim Scott
BCA President