This year’s BCA Halloween Party at the Plaza will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27 at the Bayberry Shopping Plaza near the Bayberry Post Office. All Bayberry and Irongate resident children are welcome to the plaza for trick-or-treating and refreshments. Meet at the post office to sign in. Enjoy trick-or-treating throughout the plaza, then join your neighbors for refreshments sponsored by the BCA.

If you have questions or would like to help with this fun event, contact event chairperson Debbie Countryman via email at or by phone at 315-652-5309.

UPDATE: The BCA will be having a pumpkin carving/decorating contest at the Halloween Party for residents of Bayberry and Irongate. Bring your carved or painted pumpkin to the Plaza on 10/27. Entries will be accepted at a table near the Post Office at 12:30pm. All participants in the party and contest can vote for their favorite pumpkin! Prizes are to be determined. If you have questions, please email Cristina at