Starting January 1, 2016, trash and recyclables will be collected by Butler Disposal Systems under contract with the Town of Clay. Trash will be collected on Mondays between 6:00am and 6:00pm.

The following holidays will have a one day delay for the remaining of the week following the holiday:

  • Friday, January 1st (New Years)
  • Monday, May 30th (Memorial Day)
  • Monday, July 4th (Independence Day)
  • Monday, September 5th (Labor Day)
  • Thursday, November 24th (Thanksgiving)
  • Monday, December 26th (Christmas)
  • Monday, January 2nd, 2017 (New Years)

For questions or concerns, contact Butler Disposal Systems at 315-342-0832 or the Town of Clay at 315-652-3800 ext. 162.