As we begin our current fiscal year the Bayberry Community Association again has a urgent need for resident volunteers.The following positions are available:
Area M Representative (Riverine/Riverglen)
Area FF Representative (Nectarine/Treeline)
(Delivers monthly newsletters and collects annual membership dues)
Part Time Representatives (several)
(Fills in periodically when an assigned Rep is not available to deliver newsletters or collect dues in their area)
Area Representative Coordinator
(Manages the roster of Area Representatives and posts via Association media any representative vacancies)
Data Management Coordinator
(Maintains, updates and provides technical support for the Associations data repository on Google Drive – must have computer / spreadsheet skills)
If you are willing to lend your Community Association a little of your time, please reply to Your are also welcome to attend our next monthly board meeting on Sunday, October 2nd at 7 p.m. at the United Church of Christ, 215 Blackberry Road for additional details regarding these positions.